Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/51

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fully restored to the free execution of his office of Chancellor."—Southwicke, 1 Angost 1628.—4 Car. I. 2a pars d. R. 39.

James, Abp. of Armagh, Henry Lord Dowcra, Sir William Parsons, and Sir Adam Loftus,—Lord Ely absent,—Privy Seal, 12 May,—patent, 30 May, 1627. The Chancellors absence was dated 30, and they to continue Keepers of the Seal until his Majesty should otherwise determine.—3. 1a pars f. R. 3.

Robert, Lord Dillon, Sir Adam Loftus, Vice-treasurer, Christopher Wandesford, Master of the Rolls, and Sir Philip Mainwaring, Knt., Secretary of State, L.K.—Lord Ely removed,—patent, 25 May, 1638. The King for some special considerations, having taken the Seal into his own hands, and being given to understand that the occasions of daily use of the Seal, as well for his own service as for expediting the business of his subjects, were many, great, and daily, which appertained to his Royal office to have dispatched, committed the keeping thereof to their care and trust.—14 Car. I. 7a pars f. R. 2.

Sir Richard Bolton, Knt.,—Viscount Loftus removed,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 6 Dec. 1639,—patent, 15 Jan. 1640.—Pleasure—"Whereas, upon a full and deliberate hearing before us and our Council of several of the misdemeanours and irregularities charged against the Viscount Loftus of Ely, our Chancellor of Ireland, he hath been by ourself and our said