Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/52

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Council declared unfit to hold that place any longer; and for as much as it is most fitting that our justice, in a place of so great eminency, should he administered to our subjects in that kingdom by a person both of approved integrity and judgment, we have resolved to confer that place of Chancellor upon our right trusty and well beloved Counsellor Sir Richard Bolton, now Chief Baron of our Court of Exchequer there, of whose integrity, abilities, and faithfulness, both in our service and in the execution of the place which he now holds, you have given us so good testimony; we therefore direct you to pass patent to him accordingly, &c. And our will and pleasure is, that you cause our Great Seal of that our kingdom, formerly sequestered by our directions in the hands of certain Commissioners, to he received from them, and delivered to the said Sir Richard Bolton with that ceremony which in such cases is usual."—15 Car. I. 1a pars d. R. 11. "And for his better encouragement, the King, by Privy Seal, dated at Westminster, 31 Jan. 1640, (2a pars d. R. 5.) directed that he should have a grant of the moiety or half of the profits arising to his Majesty upon the fines of original and finable writs in Chancery; to hold to his own use and benefit, from 6 Dec. last, the day he was declared Chancellor by the King." Accordingly, he passed patent for the same 30 March, 1640.—16 Car. I. 5a pars f. R. 1. And the King, considering as well the great trusts and weighty employments incident to