Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/77

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the Council for life, in the same manner as he Robert Cowley, or any other, had enjoyed that office. On 18 August his patent was produced to Gerald, Earl of Kildare, Lord Deputy, and the Council, in the Great Chamber within the Castle of Dublin, and there publicly read. He was sworn on 31 August, before the Abp. of Armagh, Chancellor, which oath is enrolled ; and at the same time took the oath of office, as clerk of the Council."—25 Hen. VIII.

Sir Thomas Cusake, Knt., of Cusingeston or Cussington, after of Lismollen, co. Meath,—Alen surrendered 9 June, and made Lord Chancellor,—patent, Trim, 10 June, 1542,—fee, 50 marks sterling.—34 Hen. VIII. fac. 6.

Nicholas Wycombe was appointed, 25 Sept. 1543, Clerk and Keeper of all the writs, bills, records, files, &c., during pleasure, as he or any other had held the same. — Quamdiu nobis placita eorundem in eadem Cancellaria remanere contigerint indiscussa.—35 Hen. VIII. fac. R. 8.

Patrick Barnewall, of Gracedieu, county of Dublin, Serjeant at law, Knt.,—Cusake surrendered, 30 Sept., and made Lord Chancellor,—Privy Seal, Windsor, 5 August 1550,—patent, Dublin, 1 Oct. 1550.—Fee, from Michaelmas.—4 Edw. VI. fac. R. 25, and again R. 30, being a fuller patent.—An order of state for safe custody of the Records.—"Jamys Crofte: Whereas We be informed by the Lord Chancellor and Master of the Rolls, that there is no place