Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/80

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Leynagh's lands, and Clonmore; and also shall examine and inquire in all those parts, of all receivers of stolen goods, putters out of any goods to the Connors or any other like Irishmen, and proceed with them according to his discretion; Item, he shall take musters, as well of all the gentlemen and other inhabitants in those quarters, and also of all Kern that have holdings of the countries, and other that he in wages with the Queen's Majesty, and appoint them from time to time to serve, as occasion shall require, for defence of the Queen's subjects, and punishment of all malefactors, as well enemies. Irishmen, or subjects, as thieves and vagabonds; he shall likewise inquire for all those that take meat and drink of the poor people without authority, or take money for the same, and do what he may to have them apprehended, and after punished, causing them to satisfy the former poor people for exactions. Item, he shall punish all such as have taken, or shall hereafter take any pledge by their own hands, unless they have first license. Item, he shall take order in the said quarters, and foresee that nightly watch he set forth and kept in all places there, upon pain and penalties to he appointed by him, which he shall levy accordingly. Item, he shall raise in Moyfenragh, Bermingham's country, the Bishop and Leynagh's lands, Ferhill, and Fertullagh, to repair a ditch or ditches from the castle of Tecroighan to the Boyne, which in times past was made for the defence of the country, of every plough land six men for six