Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/81

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days, according to a concordatum made to him in that behalf. Item, he shall take order for the quiet and defence of the said countries, and has power from time to time to parley with the outlaws, rebels, and other fugitive persons, and at his discretion to give them, or any of them, safe conduct to come and go to and from him.—Whereas our said servant John Parker hath also been an humble suitor unto us, to have some of our lands within that reakn, either in gift or fee farm, in recompense of his long service and the charges and hinderances, which he hath sustained through the same, we let you know that we are pleased, for some recompense of his said service, to grant unto him in farm, by lease for twenty and one year, lands to the yearly value of one hundred marks, after the best survey, foreseeing that the said lands be so by you chosen and appointed, as no other man of service, or otherwise to be thought meet to continue in the same, be displaced of his living for serving this man s turn, which thing provided for, we will you to make him a lease under the Great Seal of that our realm accordingly; and these our letters shall be you sufficient warrant for the same. Given under our Signet, at our palace of Westminster, the 23 day of October, the first year of our reign."—1.Mary, 1a pars d. R. 10. fac. R. 2.—John Wycombe was Deputy to Parker in 1559.

Henry Draycott, of Marinerton, co. Meath,—Parker deceased,"—Privy Seal, 5 Oct.—patent, 15 Dec.