Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/135

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PEEFACE. CXXVll history, than that between the lists of the Pictish kings. The lists of the Scottish kings which thus diverge so radically from each other, consist, on the one hand, of the lists contained in the " Synchron- " isms of Flann Mainistreach," and in the " Albanic " Duan ; " and, on the other hand, of the lists con- tained in the Latin chronicles, and it may be as well to give them from the commencement to the end of the Dalriadic kingdom. They are as follows. The dates added to the latter part of the Latin list are taken from the prose chronicle interpolated in the " Chronicle of Mel- " rose." Lists of Eleventh Century, Latin Lists. Table of the Five kings, 478-565. kings of T>a riada. Fergus mor mac Ere, 27 Fergus filius Eric, . . . 3 Angus mor mac Ere, 5 Domangart mac Fergus, . 5 Domangart filius ejus. 5 Comgall mac Domangart, 24 Congel filius Domangart, . 33 G-abran mac Domangart, . 2 Goueran frater Congel, . 22 Two kings, 565-598. Conal mac Comgall, . . 15 Conel filius Congel, . . 14 Aedan, son of Gabran, 24 Edan filius Goueran, . . 84 Four kings, 598-642. Eocho buide mac Aedan, . 17 Eochad flavus filius Edan, 16 Conad cerr, bis son, . . Oi Kinat sumetes Alius Conal > 0^ Ferchair mac Conaing, 16 Ferchear filius ejus, . 16 Donald brec mac Eocho Dovenald varius filius buide, 14 Eochid, 14 Nine kings, 642-743. Conall Crandomna, Dunchad mac Duhan, 10 Domnal Donn, .... 13 Mailduin mac Conall, 17