Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/136

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CXXVIU PREFACE. Ferchar Longus, ... 21 Eochalhabenscurvumnasum, 3 Arinchellac filius Ferchar, 1 741 ob. Ewen filius Ferchar longi, .... 13 744 ob. Murechat filius Arin- chellac, .... 3 747 oh. Ewen filius Murechat, 3 777 ob.Edalbus filius Eocbal, 30 781 ob.FergusfiliusHedalbi, 3 804 ob. Selvach filius Eogan, 24 834 ob. Eochal venenosus filius Hedalbi, . . 30 841 ob. Dunegal filius Sel- vach, 7 843 ob. Alpin filius Eochal, 3 Cinaed filius Alpin, . 16 The blank which occurs in the Latin lists from Donald brec to Ferchar fada exactly corresponds with the period of the Anglic dominion over Dalriada, when there was no independent king, and may be thrown out of view as amounting to any substantial disagreement.^ The three following kings agree in both lists. After that the difference between them is very re- Ferchar Fada, .... 21 Eocho Rianamhail, . . 2 Ainbhceallach mac Ferchai •, 1 Selbach mac Ferchar, Eochaig Angbaidh Thirteen kings, 743-879. Dungal mac Selbaig, . 7 Alpin mac Echach, . . 4 Muredac ua Daiti, 3 Aed Aireatach, . . . 30 Fergus, Eochoid, Domnall mac Custantin, . 24 Conall Caemh, .... 2 Conall, his brother, . . 4 Ciistantinmac Fergiisa, . 9 Aengus mac Fergiisa, . . 9 Acd mac Boanta, . . 4 Eoganan mac Aengusa, . 13 Cinaed mac Alpin, . . 30 I The continuator of " Tigher- " nae," who wrote in 1178, after the first of the Latin Hsts appeared, seems to have extended the reign of Donald brec over the blank, and has re-inscrted the battle in which he was defeated in 638, under 678, and the battle of Strath- carron, in which he was slain, under 686, the same year in which Ecgfrid was slain and the Scots recovered then- independence.