Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/363

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XXV. FROM LAYAMON'S BRUT, mcciv. a MS. BRIT. M0S. COTT. CALIGULA, A. IX. b MS. BEIT. MUS. COTT. OTHO. C. XIII. MS. a. A issen ilken hit ftod : pet com ouer see flod. an king fe hsehte Eodric : elclie otSer unilic. lie com ut of Scice : elclies londes vniliche. he brolite mid Mm fe Peolites folc of mucliele malite. SeoSSeii Eodic- wes serft mon : & he milite uuel don. a he ferde hi fse Hod : & dude he uuel & naeuere god. monie hundi-eS biu'ije : he hsefde imakede blaeSe. He ferde hi fee flronde : iato Scotlonde. J>at lond he al Wfelle : mid hermeii fan mefte. MS. b. Ac' fh'ilke hit ftod : forte com ouer &e flod. a king pat hehte Eodrich : eche opere onUiche. he brohte mid liin pe Peutes : men of moche mUite. Fram pat Eodrich was ereft man and cupe eye vuel don. he verde hi f^e flod : and dude vuel and iieuere god. mani hundred borewes : he hadde for-fare. He verde bi fee ftronde : in to Scotlonde. pat lond he al wefte : mid harme pan mefte.


In this same wise it stood until there came over sea-flood a king that hight Rodric, to each (every) other unlike; 'he came out of Scythia, to each land unlike;' he brought with him the Peohtes (Picts), "folk [men] of much might. "After [From the time] that Rodric first was man, and "he might [could] do evil, 'ever' he fared by the sea-flood, and 'he' did evil and never good; many hundred burghs he had "made destitute [destroyed]. He fared by the sea strand into Scotland; the land he all wasted with the

A? R. Rodric.