Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/364

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Þurh þat loud he æirnde :

& hæȝadc' and hpermde.

Coiiien þa tiSende :

to Maurius þon kinge.

liu ]>& king Rodric :

Hs rajflac makede.

Sone he sende fondc :

jeond alle filTe kine-londe.

hiJehte a;iier«lciie mon :

pa his monfcipe uSe.

|)at he wcl iwepned :

comen' to liirede.

pil'folc wes ifomned :

and fe king fufde.

ferde into Scotlonde :

jiere ho Rodric king fond.

Heo fuhton swiSe feondliohc :

i^ feollen pa Peohtes.

& Rodric J>er wes of-flajon :

& leo8Sen mid heorleu to-dra^au.

per dude jNIauiius Jie king :

a wel fwu'So lajllech J>mg.

nppen |)cu ilke ftude :

per he Rodi-ic uor-dude.

he lette a-rairen anan :

enne swTit5e fielcuS ftau.

he lette per on grauen :

SBelcuSe run-ltaueu.

porh Jiat lond he hearude :

and (loh folk and barude.

Come pe tidind :

to Maunis pan kinke.'

hou pe king Rodrich :

his lond al for-verde.

Sone he fende fonde :

^eond al his kinelonde.

hehte echne man :

pat him god wolde.

mid al his wepne :

come to ))an kinge.

pis folk was ifomned :

and hit forp fnl'de.

wende into Scotlond ;

par lie Ro(.b'ich fond.

Hii foliten mainliche :

and folle pe Rentes.

and Rodrich par was of-flawe ;

and fuplie mid horfo to-drawe.

par dude Maurus ])e kuig :

a fmpe fellich ping.

vppen pan ilke ftude :

par he Rodrich for-dudc.

he lette arere anon :

ane felcujie fton.

he lette par an gi-auie :

of Rodiiches deajie.

most harm, through the land he ran, and 'harried aud harmed [slew folk and burnt]. The tidings came to Maurius the king, how the king Rodric 'made his ravage [his land all destroyed]. Soon he sent messengers over all 'this [his] kingdom; ordered 'every [each] man, who 'his honor granted [would good to him],' that he' 'well weaponed shoidd come [with all his weapons to come] to 'court [the king]. This folk was assembled, and 'the king [it forth] marched; proceeded into Scotland, where he found 'king' Rodric. They fought 'most fiercely [strongly], and the Peohtes fell, and Rodric was there slain, aud afterwards drawu in pieces by horses. There did Maurius the king an exceeding marvellou.^ tiling; upon the same spot where he destroyed Rodric he caused anon to be reared a 'most' wonderful

htcrjede !

' R. kinge.

  • come?