Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/88

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Ixxx PKEFACE. Calatria and Campus Man- anB. softened by aspiration to th, and from this name was formed the Latin denominations of Gallovidia and Galhveithia. The kingdom of Cumbria was conquered by Edmund, king of the Saxons, in 946, and transferred to Malcolm, king of the Scots ; and, when the boundary between England and Scotland was finally fixed at the Solway Firth, the name of Gallovidia or Galloway was applied to the whole of the western districts, extending from the Solway Firth to the Firth of Clyde. Between the kingdom of Northumbria and that of the Strathclyde Britons lay two small districts, termed Calatria and Campus Manann. Calatria was the district extending from Falkirk to the shore of the Firth, comprising what is called the Carse of Falkirk, and probably equivalent to the ancient parish of that name, which included the modern parishes of Falkirk, Denny, Polmont, and Muir- avonside. The Celtic name of this district was Calathros. It was bounded on the noi-th by the the name of a people, probably in- cluded the inhabitants of the Western Isles, Gallgaedel, as a territorial name, was Galloway. This is proved by the entry in the "Annals of Ulster" in the year 1199, in which Roland, Lord of Galloway, appears as " Kolant "mac Uchtraig ri Gallgaidhd" and by comparing the entry in the " Chronicle of Melrose," under the year 1234, "obiit Alanus filius " Rolandi domimts Galwethie," with that in the " Annals of " Ulster " in the same year, " Ailin " mac Uchtraig ri GaUriaidhel mor- "tuus est." It appears in its Welsh form of Galwydel in the " Prit Cyvarch Taliessin, Eingl " Galwydel gvinaont eu riifel" " the Angles and Galwegians made " their war." Galloway was also called simply Gall or Gal. JlacFir- bis terms the Lord of Galloway, Maormo7' Gall. Urien is called by Llywarch hen Hryr Oal, or the Eagle of Gal. Aili-ed calls the Galwegians also Galli.