Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/89

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PEEFACE. Ixxxi Carron, on the south by the Avon, and on the east by the Firth.^ West of this lay the district called Campus Manand or Manann. The name Manand is the same in form with the Irish name of the Isle of Man, also caUed Manand. The epithet Campus or plain was probably applied to it to dis- tinguish it from the island. The Welsh form of the name is Manau, and the Isle of Man was hkewise known to them by that name. The district they termed Manau Gododin, to distinguish it from the island, and it is described in the Saxon and Welsh additions to the " Historia Britonum " as " Kegio que vocatur Manau Gododin in parte " sinistrali," or the north of Britain. This name is stiU preserved in that flat and barren moor forming the parish of Slamannan, and called of old Slaman- nan Muir." The name Slamannan is the Gaelic Sliabh Mannan, the word Sliahh meaning a moor, but it certainly extended as far as the river Almond, and may possibly have included the whole of the modern county of Linlithgow ; and as this county approaches at the Queensferry within a short dis- tance of the opposite coast of the Fixlh, it may have ' Ailred, in his history " De " Bello Standardi," puts the fol- lowing expression into the mouth of Walter Espec : — " Isti sunt " utique qui nobis quondam non " resistendum sed ccdendum puta- " runt cum Anglise victor Wil- " lelmus Laodoniam, Calatriam, " Scotiara usque ad Abernith " penetravit." In the " Chartu- " lary of Glasgow," p. 9, Dufotyr de Calatcria witnesses a charter of King Bavid. Calathros appears frequently in the " Irish Annals." ^Tighemac, in 7 11, has "Strages " Pictorum iu Camjio Manand a " Saxonis." The " Saxon Chroui- " cle" gives the same event as hap- pening " betwix Haefe and Caere" — the Avon and the Carron.