Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/58

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From agonies, which only those who have been in a situation of equal danger can imagine or describe, she was soon however relieved by the voice of D'Alembert.

"Madeline (he cried, as he supported her upon his breast), revive; I come not to injure, but to entreat."

"Oh, heavens! (said she, opening her eyes, and wildly gazing on him), do I hear, do I behold aright?"

"Be composed (exclaimed he), I again entreat you; you have nothing to fear."

"Nothing to fear! (repeated Madeline as she disengaged herself from him), if I have nothing to fear, I have at least much to be offended at. Whence this intrusion, Sir?—Is it right, is it honourable, to steal like a midnight assassin to my chamber?"

"You yourself have compelled me to this conduct (he replied); you refused to hear me, and consequently forced me to devise a scheme to make you listen———"