Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/59

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"To make me listen! (repeated Madeline with haughtiness); no, Sir,—no scheme, no stratagem shall effect that purpose. Begone! (cried she, laying her hand upon the door) if you wish to avoid the punishment your temerity deserves."

"Suppress this haughtiness (said he, seizing her hands, and dragging her from the door ere she had power to open it); believe me, like your threats, it is unavailing. Hear me you must—hear me you shall: nay, more, you shall comply with what I desire."

"Never!" exclaimed Madeline in a resolute voice, and struggling to free herself.

"Then you shall tremble for the safety of a father," cried D'Alembert.

Madeline trembled; her heart grew cold; she ceased her struggles, and looked with mingled terror and melancholy upon him.

"Yes; I repeat (said he), you shall tremble for the safety of a father: I am the minister of fate to him; and only your accept-