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Mr. Raskin. -- but they will recommend to the court, if the person follows through --

Mr. Comey. Right, if they tell the truth and provide substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of others.

Mr. Raskin. Yes. You know --

Mr. Comey. That's how we make mob cases, terrorism cases, child abuse cases, drug cases, kidnapping cases. It's essential to the workings of our criminal justice system.

Mr. Raskin. Yes. It may be difficult to extricate ourselves from the last couple of years, but if we were to go back to a more innocent time, would you agree that it's dangerous or would you disagree that it's dangerous to have a sitting President commenting on active criminal proceedings and investigations and trying to interfere in them?

Mr. Comey. I think we have become numb to lying and attacks on the rule of law by the President, all of us have to a certain extent, and it's something we can't ever become numb to.

Mr. Raskin. Okay. I will close with that. Thank you very much, Director Comey.

Ms. Hariharan. It is 3:13, and we'll go off the record.
