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[3:23 p.m.]

Chairman Goodlatte. Back on the record.

Mr. Jordan. Mr. Chairman, is it okay? Okay, thank you.

Director, let me just go back and try to clear up a few things probably mostly for me. The last hour I think you were talking about this with the minority as well.

You have your meeting with the President in February of 2017, where the President talks about can you see your way clear to go easy on Mike Flynn or whatever, something to that effect. You then had a meeting with your senior staff and wrote a memo memorializing what took place in your meeting with the President. Is that right?

Mr. Comey. Correct. I met with the senior leadership team and prepared and reviewed with them a memo.

Mr. Jordan. Say it again. I'm sorry. Prepared to what?

Mr. Comey. I prepared and then reviewed with them my memo.

Mr. Jordan. So they worked on the memo with you?

Mr. Comey. No. I wrote the memo. I gave them a copy of it to read, and then we sat down and talked.

Mr. Jordan. You sat down and talked about it, okay. And who all was in that meeting, again?

Mr. Comey. I don't know for sure, but I'm sure Deputy Director McCabe was there; General Counsel Baker was there; my chief of staff; Jim Rybicki was there. I believe the number three at the FBI at that point, who was the Associate Deputy