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Director, was there.

Mr. Jordan. That individual's name?

Mr. Comey. At that point, it was David Bowdich.

Mr. Jordan. Bowdich, okay.

Mr. Comey. And then I believe that -- and this I'm less certain of -- that the head of the National Security Branch, Carl Ghattas, was there, and -- or Bill Priestap, the head of Counterintelligence. I'm not sure about with the last two guys, but I think it's a possibility.

Mr. Jordan. Deputy Director McCabe, Chief Counsel Baker, Chief of Staff Rybicki, Mr. Bowdich, Mr. Ghattas, Mr. Priestap.

Mr. Comey. That's the universe of people I think could have been there.

Mr. Jordan. You think they were all there. Was Peter Strzok there?

Mr. Comey. I'm sorry. I didn't say I think they were all there. I said that's the universe of people who could have been there. I'm certain about McCabe, Rybicki, and Baker.

Mr. Jordan. You're certain of the top three?

Mr. Comey. Yeah.

Mr. Jordan. The other three that you mentioned could have been there.

Mr. Comey. Yeah.

Mr. Jordan. What about Mr. Strzok?

Mr. Comey. I don't remember him being there.