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briefed the President-elect about this subject?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Jordan. No idea?

Mr. Comey. No idea.

Mr. Jordan. It's been reported that Mr. Clapper may have been involved in giving that information to CNN. Any indication that that's accurate?

Mr. Comey. No. Same answer. I don't know.

Mr. Jordan. Okay. What's the attachment?

Mr. Comey. I don't see an attachment.

Mr. Jordan. The trigger for them is they know the material was discussed in the brief that you gave to the President-elect on January 6 and presented in an attachment.

Did you give -- was there some attachment?

Mr. Comey. Oh, I see. I think I know what that means.

Mr. Jordan. What is that?

Mr. Comey. The way in which -- I just want to be careful here because I don't want to talk about classified information. I believe they're discussing the literal format, written format in which material was presented to the President-elect's team and to the President-elect, and they're referring to some of the material being in an attachment and not in the body of the document. That's what I understand that to mean.

Mr. Jordan. So, in other words, you told the President certain things, but you also left him some kind of attachment,