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some written, some piece of paper or something as well, and they knew about that?

Mr. Comey. Yeah. And that's a garble, because that -- I take them to mean an attachment, but the attachment, to my recollection, didn't contain the salacious and unverified stuff, and that that was simply conveyed orally from me to the President-elect.

Mr. Jordan. I understand. Any idea how they got -- how CNN gets ahold of the attachment that you gave the President of the United States?

Mr. Comey. I don't understand it to be saying that they have the attachment. I read this sentence to say the trigger for them is they know the material was discussed in the brief and presented in an attachment.

Mr. Jordan. Okay. So they didn't physically have that, they just knew that that's how it was presented to the President?

Mr. Comey. I don't know. I'm just reading this.

Mr. Jordan. All right. Next sentence: "So far it does not look like they will characterize FBI efforts."

What does that mean?

Mr. Comey. I don't know for sure, but I have enough of a reaction I'll offer it to you, that I take this as likely being that the FBI Director briefed the President-elect about this material. I could be wrong about that, but I don't know what other FBI efforts he could be referring to.