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to in the inspector general report, and I'll find where he represented, not just to this committee, but to the inspector general and used the word "appalling." You want me to do that?

Mr. Kelley. Yes, sir.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay.

Mr. Kelley. If you're going to refer to transcripts, we ought to take a look at them.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Let me just ask you, Director, whether it's in the transcript or not, was Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information appalling?

Mr. Comey. It's not -- I accept your representation. It's not a term that I have used. I think of it as really sloppy and --

Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay, really sloppy? Look at your press conference. I guess by your counting, it looks like Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on at least -- and by mishandled, I mean that classified information went across an unclassified device or server -- on at least 110 emails and 52 email chains. Is that right?

Mr. Comey. I think that's right.

Mr. Ratcliffe. And that eight of those were top secret. She mishandled top secret information at least eight times, by your counting?

Mr. Comey. That's correct.

Mr. Ratcliffe. And that she mishandled classified