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information at a secret level 36 times, by your counting?

Mr. Comey. That's right. These are all -- this is what makes up the 110 or whatever it is.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Exactly. She mishandled confidential information at least eight times, by your counting?

Mr. Comey. Correct.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Doesn't -- your statement doesn't reflect it, but do you know if any of those were special access program, SCI, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information? Do you know if any of those were releasable only to five allied partners?

Mr. Comey. I don't -- I don't remember. I believe some of the topics that were discussed in the top secret category were also designated as Sensitive Compartmented Information. I'm not certain of that, but I believe that to be the case. I don't know with respect to the other restrictions on dissemination.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay. So -- and I found the reference in the inspector general report where page 166 --

Mr. Kelley. Thank you. 166?

Mr. Ratcliffe. 166, the bottom paragraph: Baker told the OIG that he thought the conduct of former Secretary Clinton and her aides was appalling with respect to how they handled classified information, and arrogant in terms of their knowledge and understanding of these matters.

Did I read that correctly?

Mr. Comey. Yes, sir.