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Mr. Ratcliffe. So he says appalling and you say really sloppy. Okay.

And as Congressman Gowdy related, Secretary Clinton, about that mishandling, made a number of statements under oath -- or made a number of statements in public that were inaccurate, and I represented to you that at least one occasion she made that statement under oath when she said, I never sent or received classified information, correct?

Mr. Comey. Yes, she did say that.

Mr. Ratcliffe. I want to let you take a look at -- we were looking for it before, but Hillary Clinton's 302. And on the page that I've referenced, I found the place where the agents and prosecutors were reviewing with her an email that had been marked. Do you find where I'm following?

Mr. Comey. The bottom paragraph?

Mr. Ratcliffe. Yes. Take a second and read that.

Mr. Comey. [Reviewing.]

Mr. Ratcliffe. All right. Does that refresh your recollection about, during the interview, Secretary Clinton being confronted with emails that had been marked classified?

Mr. Comey. It looks like at least one. Here's the confusion, though. It had portion markings on the original. I think what they're explaining here is the overall document marking had been added later.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay.