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Clinton wasn't going to be charged before her July 2nd, 2016, interview if you hadn't made the decision yet?

Mr. Comey. I don't. I don't know what she means in there or what the nature of the communication was.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Could it be based on one of the other things that I didn't know when you and I had that exchange, and that was the fact that I didn't know that 2 months before that July 2nd interview, on May the 2nd, you had actually circulated a draft memo of a public announcement stating that neither you nor any reasonable prosecutor would charge Hillary Clinton with the mishandling of classified information. Do you recall that?

Mr. Comey. I'm sorry. Recall what, Mr. Ratcliffe?

Mr. Ratcliffe. Recall that memo?

Mr. Comey. Sure. I recall a variety of drafts in May of that memo.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Would you agree with me that that draft of that memo certainly would be or its contents would appear to be inconsistent with the testimony that I just related that you and I had in September of 2016?

Mr. Comey. No, I don't agree.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Who's Jim Rybicki?

Mr. Comey. Jim Rybicki was my chief of staff. As -- I'm sorry.

Mr. Ratcliffe. One of the things that I didn't know when you and I had that exchange was how Mr. Rybicki was going to