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testify. And he has testified that the only charges that could have come out of her interview would have been false statements to an FBI agent, not any violations of the Espionage Act.

Would you agree with Mr. Rybicki's testimony?

Mr. Comey. No, I would not. I'm not familiar with it, but assuming it's what you just summarized, I would not.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Well, I think I've related to you that at least a number of folks -- Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Jim Rybicki -- all seem to have the idea that Hillary Clinton wasn't going to be charged for the mishandling of classified information -- she might be charged for lying to the FBI -- but that she wasn't going to be charged for the mishandling of classified information.

Do you still think that the answer that you gave me on September 28 of 2016 was an accurate statement?

Mr. Comey. I do.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Do you think that that statement was at all misleading to me or other Members of Congress?

Mr. Comey. I guess I can't speak to your mental state. It wasn't intended to be misleading.

Mr. Ratcliffe. You didn't answer my question when I asked it by saying: Well, I had pretty much made the decision that she wasn't going to be charged because everyone knew I had circulated a draft memo.

You didn't say to me what you said to the inspector general,