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there an obligation to pursue that?

Mr. Comey. Hard to answer in the abstract. Depends upon what the facts were that you had. But sure, if you develop facts in the course of an investigation of the possible commission of another crime, in almost all circumstances, you follow up on it. I don't know what that would drive, in terms of the interview of Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Ratcliffe. So do you know what questions the agents or prosecutors asked Hillary Clinton about that troubling information that we talked before about potential compromise of Attorney General Lynch with respect to her objectivity?

Mr. Comey. I don't know whether they asked any questions that related to Loretta Lynch of Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Ratcliffe. If they did, it should be reflected in the 302 or the FBI summary of the interview, correct?

Mr. Comey. You would expect that in the ordinary course. The only reason I'm hesitating is that I don't know whether questions were asked about that, but if questions are asked and the answer may implicate -- may be considered classified, sometimes that's not put in the 302. But I don't know whether that's the case here.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Weren't those questions that you wanted answered?

Mr. Comey. Of Hillary Clinton?

Mr. Ratcliffe. Of anyone that could answer a question