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about whether or not there was any problem with the objectivity of the Attorney General, based on contacts with the Clinton campaign.

Mr. Comey. I did not see anything that led me to conclude that Loretta Lynch was acting inappropriately in supervising the Department of Justice in that investigation. The appearance of conflict or the appearance that she was compromised in some fashion was what drove me to separate myself from her in July.

Mr. Ratcliffe. So, as you've already mentioned, one of the things you thought might happen or you wanted to find out was whether or not Hillary Clinton might lie during that interview. Knowingly making a false statement to the FBI is a crime, correct?

Mr. Comey. That is correct.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Making a false public statement ordinarily is not a crime, correct?

Mr. Comey. That is correct. Thank goodness, for a lot of people.

Mr. Ratcliffe. But false statements made in public can be evidence of knowledge or intent, absence of mistake, or provide all kinds of other evidentiary context, correct?

Mr. Comey. Potentially, yes.

Mr. Ratcliffe. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't David Petraeus' comments, false comments in public a basis for why you argued that he had knowledge or intent to commit the crime of mishandling classified information?