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Ms. Doocy. Mary Doocy.

Ms. Greene. Emily Greene.

Mr. Gaetz. Matt Gaetz, Florida, House Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Ritchie. Branden Ritchie, House Judiciary, majority.

Mr. Dalton. Jason Dalton, FBI Congressional Affairs.

Ms. Hariharan. Arya Hariharan, House Judiciary, minority

Ms. Shen. Valerie Shen, House Oversight and Government Reform.

Ms. Sachsman Grooms. Susanne Sachsman Grooms, House Oversight.

Mr. Thadani. Akhil Thadani, House Judiciary, Democrat.

Mr. Gohmert. Louie Gohmert.

Mr. Sanford. Mark Sanford, House Judiciary.

Mr. Apelbaum. Perry Apelbaum.

Mr. Hiller. Aaron Hiller, House Judiciary, minority.

Chairman Goodlatte. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply in this setting, but there are some guidelines that we follow that I'd like to go over. Our questioning will proceed in rounds. The majority will ask questions first for an hour, and then the minority will have an opportunity to ask questions for an equal period of time. We will go back and forth in this manner until there are no more questions and the interview is over.

Typically, we take a short break at the end of each hour