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of questioning, but if you would like to take a break apart from that, please let us know. We also may take a break for lunch at the appropriate point.

As I noted earlier, you are appearing today voluntarily. Accordingly, we anticipate that our questions will receive complete responses. To the extent that you decline to answer our questions or if counsel instructs you not to answer, we will consider whether a subpoena is necessary.

As you can see, there is an official reporter taking down everything that is said to make a written record, so we ask that you give verbal responses to all questions, and I know you understand that.

Mr. Comey. Yes, sir.

Chairman Goodlatte. So that the reporter can take down a clear record, it is important that we don't talk over one another or interrupt each other if we can help it. Both committees encourage witnesses who appear for transcribed interviews to freely consult with counsel if they so choose, and you are appearing today with counsel.

Could counsel for Mr. Comey please state their names for the record?

Mr. Kelley. Yes, Mr. Chairman. It is David N. Kelley from Dechert LLP.

Chairman Goodlatte. We want you to answer our questions in the most complete and truthful manner possible, so we will