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Mr. Ratcliffe. Do you recall -- maybe I can refresh your recollection. I think, on October 22nd of 2015, in response to a question from Congressman Jordan, Secretary Clinton said, quote, "There was nothing marked classified in my emails either sent or received," end quote.

Does that refresh your recollection about Secretary Clinton making that statement?

Mr. Comey. I don't -- it doesn't help me with her testimony, but I actually do remember being asked, maybe by Mr. Jordan, when I testified about whether that was accurate or not.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Is it accurate?

Mr. Comey. My recollection is there were -- I hope I don't get this wrong. In some email, there was a letter C deep in the email to mark some of the paragraphs that looked to us like portion markings, as I recall. And I'm sorry if I'm misrecalling that, but I have the recollection of that.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Well, I have your public statement on July 5th. I think you mentioned the fact that there were actually three emails that were marked classified.

Mr. Comey. When I talked on July the 5th?

Mr. Ratcliffe. Yes.

Mr. Comey. Okay.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Any reason to --

Mr. Kelley. Do you have a copy of that statement we can