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take a look at?

Mr. Ratcliffe. I do.

Do you have -- as you review that, do you independently have a recollection about Hillary Clinton's July 2nd interview where agents asked her questions about those classification markings, whether it appeared on one document or multiple documents?

Mr. Comey. I don't.

Mr. Ratcliffe. You don't have any recollection?

Mr. Comey. No, I don't have an independent recollection, sitting here, of what they asked her about that. I have some recollection that the topic came up, but I don't remember what was asked or said about that.

Mr. Ratcliffe. What do you recall about -- you mentioned the letter C coming up during that interview and what that might mean?

Mr. Comey. I don't -- I'm sorry. Do you want me to still look at the statement? So far, I haven't found the thing about the C, so I'll pause there for a second.

I don't remember what came up in her interview about that. What I was referring to earlier is I remember some member I think of the Judiciary Committee asking me about that portion marking that appeared -- I was thinking in one email, but it sounds like you think there's more than one.

I don't see anything, sir, in my statement -- I could be missing it -- about the portion marking.