Page:Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (3).pdf/14

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            Whisht, whisht, says Tom and you'll get
            yours & something else beside. So Tom
            takes him into the jail, and calls for a
            bottle of ale and a dram. then takes the
            jailor aside, as if he had been going to
            borrow some money from him; and says
            to the jailor, this man is a great thief,
            I and other two have been in search of
            him these three days, and the other two
            men have the warrant with them; so if
            you keep this rogue here till I run and
            bring them, you shall have a guinea in
            reward. Yes, says the jailor, go and I'll
            secure the rogue for you. So Tom got off,
            leaving the poor innocent fellow and the
            jailor struggling together and then sets
            out for England directly.
                         P A R T IV.
              Tom having now left his own native
            country, went into the county of Nor-
            thumberland, where he hired himself to
            an old miser of a farmer, where he con-
            tinued for several years, performing his
            duty in his service very well, tho' some-
            times playing tricks on those about him;
            but his master had a naughty custom
            he would allow them no candle at night
            to see with when at supper. So Tom one