Page:Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (3).pdf/15

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           night sets himself next his master, and
           as they were all about to fall on, Tom
           put his spoon into the heart of the dish,
           where the crowdy was hottest, and claps
           a spoonful into his master's mouth. A pox
           on you for a rogue, cried his master, for
           my mouth is all burnt. A pox on you for
           a master, says Tom, for you keep a house
           as dark as Purgatory, for as I was going
           to my own mouth with the soup, and miss'd
           the way, it being so dark, don't think
           master that I am such a big fool as to
           feed you, while I have a mouth of my own.
           So from that night that Tom burnt his
           master's mouth with the hot crowdy, they
           always got a candle to shew them light
           at supper, for his master would feed no
           more in the dark while Tom was present.
             There was a servant girl in the house,
           who always when she made the beds, ne-
           glected to make Tom's, and would have
           him to do it himself. Well then, says
           Tom, I have harder work to do; and I
           shall do that too. So next day when Tom
           was at the plow, he saw his master com-
           ing from the house towards him, he left
           the horses and the plow standing in the
           field, and goes away towards his master.
           Who cried, what is wrong? or is there
           any thing broke with you? No, no says
           Tom, but I am going home to make my