Page:Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (3).pdf/7

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            away; and when he saw them riding after
            him, crying to stop and come back again,
            he ran the faster, until he could run
            no more, but fell down on the road, and
            prayed to them to let him go, for if he was
            taken back, he was sure to be hanged:
            and would not be persuaded that Tom
            was alive, until they forced him back,
            and he saw him. But he would be Tom's
            teacher no longer; so Tom's father had
            to seek another master for him.
                           P A R T II.
              THERE was a young woman servant
            to Tom's father, whom Tom had offended
            by some of his tricks, and she to be up
            with Tom again, one night spread a hand-
            ful of short nettles in his bed, between
            the sheets which stung his legs and thighs
            so much, that he was obliged to quit his
            bed for some part of the night; for such
            he was resolved to be revenged, whenever
            a proper opportunity offered. It happen-
            ed in a few days after, that she was in-
            vited to a wedding, where the dancing
            and diversion induced her to stay all night;
            and on coming home on the morning, she
            fell a washing some clothes. But being