Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/242

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Scene XLIX. The same, Petríshchev, Betsy, and Márya Konstantínovna.

Anna Pávlovna. I am eternally having to wait for you.

Betsy. On the contrary, it is I who have been waiting for you. (Petríshchev bows with his head only and kisses Anna Pávlovna's hand.)

Anna Pávlovna. Good morning! (To Betsy.) You always answer back!

Betsy. If you are not in good humour, mother, I prefer not to drive out.

Anna Pávlovna. Are we going or not?

Betsy. Yes, let us go! What is to be done?

Anna Pávlovna. Have you seen the costume from Bourdier?

Betsy. I have, and I like it very much. I ordered the costume, and I will put it on, when it is paid for.

Anna Pávlovna. I will not pay for it, and I will not permit you to put on an indecent costume.

Betsy. What has made it indecent all at once? At first it was proper, and now you are prudish—

Anna Pávlovna. Not prudish, but you will have to get the whole waist made over, and then you may.

Betsy. Mamma, really, that can't be done!

Anna Pávlovna. Well, put on your wraps! (They sit down. Grigóri puts on their overshoes.)

Vasíli Leonídych. Márya Konstantínovna! Do you see what emptiness there is in the antechamber?

Márya Konstantínovna. Why? (Laughs in advance.)

Vasíli Leonídych. The fellow from Bourdier has gone. Ah, what? Is it good? (Roars.)

Anna Pávlovna. Well, let us go! (Goes out through the door and immediately comes back.) Tánya!

Tánya. What do you wish?