Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/243

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Anna Pávlovna. Don't let Fifi catch cold while I am away! If it asks to be let out, be sure and put on the yellow capote. It is not very well.

Tánya. Yes, madam. (Anna Pávlovna, Betsy, and Grigóri exeunt.)

Scene L. Petríshchev, Vasíli Leonídych, Tánya, and Fédor Iványch.

Petríshchev. Well, did you get it?

Vasíli Leonídych. Let me tell you, I got it with difficulty. At first I approached my male parent,—he bellowed and kicked me out. Then I went to my maternal parent,—and I got it! Here it is! (Slaps his pocket.) When I undertake a thing, they don't get away from me,—it's a dead grip. Ah, what? They will bring my wolf-dogs to-day?

(Petríshchev and Vasíli Leonídych put on their wraps and exeunt. Tánya follows them.)

Scene LI. Fédor Iványch (alone).

Fédor Iványch. Yes, nothing but unpleasantness. How can they live in such discord? I must say the younger generation is not exactly right. And the rule of the women? When lately Leoníd Fédorovich wanted to interfere and saw that she was in ecstasy, he slammed the door. He is a man of rare kindness! Yes, of rare kindness— What is that? Is Tánya bringing them in again?

Scene LII. Fédor Iványch, Tánya, and the three peasants.

Tánya. Go, go, uncle, never mind!

Fédor Iványch. Why did you bring them in again?