Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/308

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Scene XXI. Leoníd Fédorovich with the paper. Enter Fédor Iványch.

Leoníd Fédorovich. Well, Fédor, it was a remarkable séance! It now turns out that I must give the peasants the land upon their own conditions.

Fédor Iványch. Indeed!

Leoníd Fédorovich. I should say so! (Shows the paper to him.) Just think of it! The paper which I had returned to them was thrown down on the table. I signed it.

Fédor Iványch. How did it get there?

Leoníd Fédorovich. It just got there. (Exit, Fédor Iványch follows him out.)

Scene XXII. Tánya (alone, creeping out from underneath the sofa, and laughing).

Tánya. My saints! How frightened I got when he caught hold of the thread! (Squeaking.) Still, it has come out all right, he has signed it!

Scene XXIII. Tánya and Grigóri.

Grigóri. So it is you who has been fooling them?

Tánya. What is that to you?

Grigóri. Do you suppose the lady will praise you for it? No, you are mistaken! Now you are caught. I will tell of your tricks, if you will not do as I want you to.

Tánya. I will not do as you want me to, and you won't dare to do anything to me.
