Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/309

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The theatre represents the scene of the First Act.

Scene I. Two footmen in liveries, Fédor Iványch, and Grigóri.

First Footman (with gray side-whiskers). You are the third to-day. I am glad the receptions are all in the same part of the city. You used to have them on Thursdays.

Fédor Iványch. Then we changed it to Saturday, so as to have it on the same day with the Golovkins, and with Grade-von-Grabe—

Second Footman. It is so nice at the Shcherbakovs: the lackeys are treated as though there were a ball there.

Scene II. The same. The Princess and her Daughter descend the stairs. Betsy sees them off. The Princess looks into a note-book and at the clock, and sits down on the clothes-chest. Grigóri puts on her overshoes.

Young Princess. Yes, be sure and come! If you don't come, and Dodo does not, there will nothing come of it.

Betsy. I do not know. I must go to the Shúbins anyway. Then comes the rehearsal.

Young Princess. You will have time. Do come! Ne nous fais pas faux bond! Fédya and Coco will be there.

Betsy. J'en ai par dessus la tête de votre Coco.