Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/314

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Coco Klíngen.

Generals we are,
Fate has brought us from afar,
Fate has brought us,—here we are!

And again the refrain:

Fate has brought us from afar,
Fate has brought us,—here we are!

Lady. Charmant!

Betsy. Do you perceive how stupid it is?

Coco Klíngen. But that is where the charm of it is!

Lady. Who is Are?

Betsy. I. I have had a costume made, but mamma says it is indecent. It is not a bit more indecent than a ball-dress. (To Fédor Iványch.) Well, is the man here from Bourdier?

Fédor Iványch. Yes, he is sitting in the kitchen.

Lady. Well, and how is the Arena going to be?

Betsy. You will see. I do not wish to spoil your pleasure. Au revoir.

Lady. Good-bye! (They bow to each other. Lady exit.)

Betsy (to Coco Klíngen). Let us go to mamma! (Betsy and Coco Klíngen ascend the stairs.)

Scene VII. Fédor Iványch, the two lackeys, and Yákov (comes out of the butler's room, with a tray, on which there are glasses of tea and pastry. Walks through the anteroom, out of breath).

Yákov (to the lackeys). My regards to you, my regards!

(The lackeys bow.)

Yákov (to Fédor Iványch). Can't you tell Grigóri Mikháylych to give me a lift? Getting things ready has tired me out. (Exit.)