Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/313

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Lady. No.

Betsy. Baron Klíngen—Why were you not here yesterday?

Coco Klíngen. I could not,—I was so busy.

Betsy. What a pity! It was so interesting. (Laughing.) You ought to have seen what manifestations there were! Well, how is our charade getting on?

Coco Klíngen. Oh, yes! The verses for my second are ready. Nik has made them up, and I have added the music.

Betsy. How is it, how? Let me hear them!

Coco Klíngen. Nature is so beautiful
Coco Klíngen. Where bananas native are,
Coco Klíngen. Nanna, Nanna! Na, na, na!

Lady. My second is na, and what is my first?

Coco Klíngen. My first is Are, the name of a savage woman.

Betsy. Are, you see, is a savage, who wants to eat up the object of her love. (Laughs loud.) She walks around, and pines, and sings.

Ah, my appetite!

Coco Klíngen (interrupting her).

If I but had a bite!

Betsy (continues).

I want some one to eat,
I walk with saddened mind—

Coco Klíngen.

No person do I find—


No flesh to chew, no meat—

Coco Klíngen.

Behold, a raft I see—


It is swimming to me,
On it two generals are—