Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/312

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Coco Klíngen. I don't know, I don't know, and I have no time.

Petríshchev. Where are you going?

Coco Klíngen. Where am I going? To the Ivins, to practise singing. Then to the Shúbins, and then to the rehearsal. Aren't you going to be there?

Petríshchev. Of course I will. I will be at the re-hearse-al and at the re-burial. I was a savage before, and now I am both a savage and a general.

Coco Klíngen. Well, how was the séance last night?

Petríshchev. It was killing! There was a peasant there; but the main thing is it was all in the dark. Vovó mewled like a baby, the professor explained, and Márya Vasilevna made glosses. It was great fun! What a pity you were not there!

Coco Klíngen. I am afraid, mon cher. You manage to keep out of trouble with all your jokes; but it seems to me that the moment I say a word, they will make me out as having proposed. Et ça ne m'arrange pas du tout, du tout. Mais du tout, du tout!

Petríshchev. You make a proposition with a predicate, and nothing will happen to you. Go in to Vovo's, and we will go together to the re-burial.

Coco Klíngen. I can't understand how you can keep company with such an ass. He is so stupid,—such a real good-for-nothing!

Petríshchev. I love him. I love Vovó, but "with a strange love," "to him the people's path will not be overgrown—" (Goes into Vasili Leonidych's room.)

Scene VI. The two lackeys, Fédor Iványch, and Coco Klíngen. Betsy sees Lady off

(Coco makes a deep bow.)

Betsy (shakes his head sidewise. To the Lady). Are you not acquainted?