Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/311

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they will understand!" They say the same thing at dinner, but I understand it. You say there is a difference, but I say there is none.

First Footman. There is a great difference, if a person understands anything.

Grigóri. There is no difference whatsoever. To-day I am a lackey, and to-morrow I may be living as well as they. Fine women sometimes marry lackeys: such things have happened. I will go and take a smoke. (Exit.)

Scene IV. The same, without Grigóri.

Second Footman. That young fellow of yours is a bold chap.

Fédor Iványch. A worthless lad and unfit for service: he has served in an office, and that has spoiled him. I advised against taking him, but the lady wanted him because he makes such a fine appearance in the carriage.

First Footman. I should like to see him serving under our count: he would straighten him out in no time. Oh, how he hates such sleek fellows! If you are a lackey, stay a lackey, and do justice to your calling! This pride does not become him.

Scene V. The same. Petríshchev runs down-stairs and takes out a cigarette.

Petríshchev (in thought). Yes, yes. No "ta"—my second. No-ta-ry. My whole—Yes, yes.(Coco Klíngen, in eye-glasses, enters, and goes up to him.) Ah, Cocolate, Choco-late! Where do you come from?

Coco Klíngen. From the Shcherbakóvs. Will you never stop your foolishness?

Petríshchev. Just listen to my charade: My first is no "rial"; no "ta"—my second; my whole is quite contrary.