Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/289

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The Complete

of each half an ounce; cut and put them to the former flowers and spirits, and distil them together in a limbeck, and make three runnings of it; first, a quart glass, which will be exceeding strong; then a pint glass, which will be almost as good; and then another pint, or as much as will run, for when it run weak, which may be known by its taste, and the colour being whiter, you will have drawn about that quantity; mix your runnings together, and take citron, or the yellow rind of a lemon, six drachms of spice seeds, cinnamon one ounce, nutmegs, mace, cardamums, and yellow sanders, of each half an ounce, and lignum aloes one drachm, make these into a gross powder, adding a few jujubes that are fresh, stoned, and cut small; put these ingredients into a large sarsnet bag and hang it in the water as aforesaid; take two drachms of prepared pearls, of ambergris, musk, and saffron, one scruple each; red roses dried one ounce; put these in a bag by themselves, and hang it in the spirits as the other; close it well, that no air gets in, and let it stand six weeks; take out the water, press the bags, dry, and keep the water, in narrow mouthed glasses, and stop it up.

The Use of this Water.

It is so strong and powerful that it cannot be taken without the assistance of some other thing; but when dropt on crumbs of bread or sugar, it must be taken the first thing in the morning, at four in the afternoon, and the last thing at night; you must not eat for an hour after you take it: it is very efficacious in all swoonings,
