Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/290

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weakness of heart, decayed spirits, palsies, apoplexies, and both to help and prevent a fit; it will also destroy all heaviness and coldness in the liver, restores lost appetite; and fortifies and surprisingiy strengthens the stomach.

To make another Water from the Ingredients of the first.

When the first Water has ran what is strong, there will remain a weaker sort at the bottom of the limbeck; take the herbs and flowers, press them, and put them into a gallon and an half of the best sherry, stop them close, and let them stand five Weeks; distil them, and let the liquor run as long as it remains strong; pour it into the glass where the sarsnet bags are, and let them remain in this second liquor six weeks, close stopped; then you may, use it as the former. It is good to bathe any part affected with weakness.

To make Plague Water.

Take the roots of angelica, dragon, maywort, mint, carduus, origany, winter savoury, broad thyme, rosemary, pimpernel, sage, coltsfoot, fumentory, scabius, burrage, saxafreg, betony, jarmander, and liverwort, of each a handful; the flowers of wormwood, suckery, hyssop, fennel, agrimony, cowslips, poppies, plantain, setfoil, bugloss, vocvain, maiden hair, motherwort, dill, cowage, golden rod, and gromwell, of each a handful; the seeds of hart's tongues, horehound, fennel, melolet, St. John wort, comfry, feather-few, red rose leaves, wood sorrel, pellitory of the wall, heartsease, sentory, and sead rink, of each

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