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WANTED—Every dealer and collector to send me his address that I may send out sample sheets of my Standard Field Note and Data Blank Books endorsed by advanced collectors and dealers. Recommended by Ornithological Clubs. "Allanswered." Address,

GEO. W. MORSE, Box 230, Ashley, End.

Southern Eggs For Sale Cheap— Choice sets with full and accurate data. American Oystercatcher 40c, Chuckwill's Widow $1,Night-hawk 20c, Willet 15c, Wilson's Plover 15c, Royal Tern 15c, Clapper Rail 10c, Brown Pelican 10c. Laughing Gull 10c, Boat-tailed Grackle 10c, Purple Martin 10c, Green Heron 5C, Painted Bnutmg 5c, Black Skimmer 5c, Yellow-breasted Chat 5c, Indigo Bunting 5c etc. Southern sea-shore sets for collections a specialty. List for stamp. DR, M.T. CLECKLEY,

457 Greene St. Augusta, Georgia. WANTED.—Vols of the Auk and Nutall Bulletin, also Bendire's Life Histories Vol. I, and similar publications. Will give in exchange rare sets of Raptores, and other eggs, bird skins, or cash.

F. B. McKechnie,
Ponakapog, Mass.

For Sale or Exchange.

A 1 Sets California Condor, Golden Eagle, White-tailed Kite, Duck Hawk Prairie Falcon, etc., etc. White-faced Glossy Ibis in sets of 4 for sale cheap in large lots. Will exchange some of the following (at Taylor's Catalogue) for stamps cataloging at 25c and upwards, (Scott's catalogue). For sale at following prices—A. O. U. No. 1 2-4 5-3 at 14c; 7 1-2 at 85c; 12 1-1 at 25c; 13c 1-1 at 90c: 30a 30-1 at 5c; 33 1-1 at 10c; 36 1-2 American taken at $2 49 1-3 at 10c; 51 a 5-3 at 8c; 53 3-2 1-3 at 50c; 65 1-3 at 12c; 77 2-3 at 5c; 79 2-1 at 12c; 80 1-4 at 5c; 86 2-1 at 20c; 92 1-1 at 50c: 104 1-1 at 10c; 106 1-1 at 5c; 108 1-1 at$1.25; 115 1-1 at 50c, 125 5-2 10-3 at 20c; 138 1-1 at 30c; 130 1-7 at 20c; 132 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 at 10c; 140 1-6 at 8c; 141 2-6 5-7 3-8 2-9 at 15c; 142 1-11 at 15c; 146 1-6 2-7 1-18 1-33 at 10c; 151 1-9 at 25c; 178 1-7 1-9 1-13 1-16 1-22 1-23 1-51 at 50c; 187 in sets of 4 at 25c; 197 1-4 at 8c; 199 1-4 at 5c; 201 2-4 at 5c; 209 1-7 at 5c; 310 1-8 at 25c; 212 1-6 at 5C; 219 1-7 at 7c; 225 1-4 at 15c; 226 3-3 3-4 at 12c; 343 1-4 at 15c; 373 2-4 at 5c; 278 1-3 at 20c; 287 1-2 at $1.60; 305 1-6 at 10c; 335 3-2 at 25c; 328 1-4 at 12-75; 333 1-3 at 10c; 337 1-3 at 15c; 337b 1-2 at 20c: 339 2-3 1-4 at 15c; 343 1-2 at 200; 348 1-3 1-3 at 65c; 349 2-3 at 53-75: 360a 1-3 1-4 1-5 at 10c; 365 1-5 1-6 at 10c; 368 1-3 at 35c; 373a 1-4 at 15c; 373b 1-4 at 15c; 373c 1-3 at 15c; 375 1-3 at 35c; 37sa 1-3 at 35c; 375c 1-2 at $2; 378 sets of 6 to 9 at 5c; 405 1-3 at $1.65; 420 and 420a 1-2 at 12c; 421 1-3 at 12c; 429 n-2 at 18c; 430 n-a at 22c; 431 n-2 at 15c; 434 n-2 at 20c; 443 1-4 at 5c 448 1-6 1-4 at 7c; 454 1-5 at 15c; ALL STEVENS RIFLES AND PISTOLS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE SAFE, DURABLE AND ACCURATE THE FAVORITE RIFLE

is an accurate rifle and puts every shot where you hold it. Weight 4½ pounds. Made in three oalibers— .22, .25 and .32 Rim Fire.

No. 17, Plain Sights, $6.00
No. 18, Target Sights 1.60

Where these rifles are not carried in stock by dealers we will send, express prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp for catalog describing complete line and containing valuable information to shooters.

The J Stevens Arms and Tool Co. P. O. Box 2919 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS.

458 1-4 1-5 at 5c; 461 1-3 at 5c; 462 14 at 8c; 464 1-3 at 7c; 471 n-2 at 45c; 477a 1-4 at 7c; 481 1-4 2-5 at 12c; 487 1-4 1-5 at 30c; 513 and 513 1-3 at 5c; 531 1-4 at 8c; 542a 1-4 at 5c; 543 1-3 1-4 at 20c; 552 and 552a 1-4 at 5c; 554 1-3 at 2oc; 574 1-3 at 18c: 581b 1-4, 581c 1-3 1-4, 581d 3-3 3-4, at 4c; 584 1-4 at 7c; 588b 1-4 and 588b 1-3 1-4 at 8c; 591b and 591c 3-3 3-4 at 5c; 592 2-3 1-3 at 18c; 602 1-3 at 15c; 610 1-3 1-4 at 7c: 620 n-2 n-3 at 10c; 622b 1-6 at 4c 629a 1-3 at 25c; 629b 1-3 at 20c; 632 1-3 at 50c; 633 1-4 at 5c; 633a 1-3 at 15c; 637 1-6 at 7c; 675 1-4 at 16c: 701 1-5 at 30c; 706 1-3 at 5c; 708 1-2 1-3 at 18c; 710 1-3 at 6c; 719a 1-6 at 12c; 719b 1-5 at 12c; 721a 1-5 1-6 at 4C; 733 1-4 at 20c; 753 1-4 at 25c. All first class, with data. Nests same prices as egg.

Skins at half price Reed's Catalogue: A. O. U. No. 258a♀, 292♂, 230♂, 283♀, 293♀, 482 pair, 360a♀, 408 pair, 478 pair, 478b pair, 393d♂. 768♂, 447♂, 607 pair, 609 pair, 398 pair, 403 pair, 453a♂, 455a pair. 460 pair, 590 pair, 567c♂, 570a pair, 683♂, 587♂, 656 pair, 542b pair. 542c pair, 554♂, 563 pair, 573 pair, 680 pair, 646a♂, 721a♂, 592♀, 688 several pair, 690 pair and extra ♂'s, 734 pair, 615♂, 605♀, 633 pair, 668 several pair, 744 pair, 665♀, 426 pair, 504♂, 719b♂, 425♀, 629b♂ ,759a♂ 591♂, 711 ♀ ♀ ♀, 495a♂. 644♀, 669 ♀. For orders under $1 send 25c for postage and packing.

Alameda., Calif.