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"Y IBIR,D STUDENTS THE WARBLER A. IB pAS«t, blriiuniitxlj roaeii&liie dcTOted t« tliA BiPdi, Edited by PuliilshiKl by the SUBSCRIPTION PRIOI Onir 30 Oontft for Ttiree Years. I, ■ : r ^ iwa The Wt 'U^m. Floral P8rit. K.Y. I I I Who are inteteited in the persooa! and bistoHcal sides of American Ornithology will welcome the aimouoceuient tlmt during the year 1903 BIRD - LOR.E Proposes lo publish the portraits of the fifty promttjenl ornithofogista formtiig its Advisory Council; while an early number will contain an account of the publishing of the fit^t C1872) edition of Cones* *Key* by its financial spon- sor, pTx>r F. W. Putnam logelhct with a facsimile reprofluctiun of a page of proof contaimog characteristic anno- tations by Dr. Coues. AWPfUAL SUBSCaiPTIOW $t,00 inchidiQL' a free copy of Btrd"I/>^e'sBird- ckart which fi}i;ure9 62 Perching Birds* THE MACira*I.AN CO.,

Fifth Avenue, New York City- 

i Nature Study I I I I Jl.. m w iiii[iiESTtD in puns I I I i i I -f I I monthly magazine devoted to the study of Nature in her varied aspects^' of the Rocks, the Birds, the Flowers and all the multitude of living things that crawl or swtm, or walk or fly. Terms SO €ts per Atinufn In advance. Sample copy sent upon receipt of 2<ent Stamp. Nature Study Press Box 41^ Vaucheater I N. S. I I A a Well aa tn Bird* and AxLLmala Theti ycjii ought to read THE Pt,AN_T WORLD, the otily popular JGfuma I of its kiud in America. The fifth vdlumt, beglnoing In January i^sjs, will have a scries of aiiicles on the prominent botan- icaj institutions of the country, iUuslratcd with btfiuii fttl half-tones f rora photographs rOJisiibly, too, you Tvill be mterftsted in the eight-page ^uf*- plcijtewt. which Izikcs up in proper ^e^iuence nnd discus^i^e^ fro El J inoDth to moailt aJt the families of flowering plants, telliug thtir diaitigiiiMiing charactef^i economic uses, and where thej* are found. It is copiously iilustr^trd with dra^iu^s and pliotogmptw made eipreasly for m», THE PLANT WORLD U iin original mflgaiFiiie, edited for the holanist and plant lover alike, but technical mutter is excluded. Everyone is welcotne to tell hi& or htfr ejEperiencej* 1b its colutuiis. If ycm knew yoa could secure & sample for a I -cent stamp wouldn't you send for It? And after yua hod reail it %nd found that H only cost ft.cio a year Wduldo't you feel sorry because you tuidn*t suhscribtd earlier? We should like to lell you atNOtit SO^e other pubhcalions, but TMK PLANT WORLD will do thai if you will let it make your ncquaiii Lance. TH15 PLANT WOBXB CO* K O. Box SM- WASHINGTON, 0. e. I Digitized by Google