Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/116

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The Thirteenth Alabama infantry was organized at Montgomery, July, 1861. It was warmly engaged at Seven Pines, May 31 to June 1, 1862, and in the battles around Richmond, June 26 to July 1, 1862. It also participated in the Maryland campaign and was engaged in the battles of Boonsboro, September 15th, and Sharpsburg, September 17th, and was present at Fredericksburg December 13th, but owing to its position was not engaged. It was particularly distinguished in the assault upon Hooker at Chancellorsville, May 1 to 4, 1863, and was superb in its charge at Gettysburg, where it planted its colors on the crest of the ridge, suffering frightfully in killed and wounded. It also took part in the battles of the Wilderness, and in the numerous engagements around Petersburg, June, 1864, to the surrender at Appomattox in April, 1865.

Among its killed were: Capt. John D. Clarke, at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862; Adjt. John W. Rentz, at Sharpsburg; Maj. John T. Smith, at Chancellorsville; Adjt. L. P. Broughton, at the Wilderness; Capt. R. M. Cook, at Second Cold Harbor; Lieut. David R. Staggers, near Bristoe Station. Among the other field officers were: Birkett D. Fry, afterward distinguished as a brigadier-general; Col. James Aiken, Lieut.-Cols. Julius C. Mitchell, Samuel B. Marks, Reginald H. Dawson, William H. Betts and Maj. John D. Smith.


Vol. II—(1000) Mentioned as belonging to General Ewell's brigade. (Evidently an error; Twelfth was meant.)

Vol. IV—(668) Under general orders, No. 89, Yorktown, October 3, 1861, assigned with Eighth Alabama to Fifth brigade under Colonel Winston. (669) Assigned to Yorktown, Colonel Winston commanding post.

Vol. IX—(37) First division, Gen. G. J. Rains, department of the Peninsula, January 31, 1862.

Vol, XI, Part 2—(485) With Colquitt's brigade, Hill's