Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/166

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H. Oliver and Maj. P. G. Wood, and were surrendered at Greensboro, N. C., with Gen. S. D. Lee's corps.

Capt. W. M. Hawkins was killed, and Capt. G. W. Hewitt wounded, at Murfreesboro; the latter was again wounded at Chickamauga, as was also Capt. James H. Graham. Capt. F. A. Musgrove was wounded at Murfreesboro. Lieutenant Jordan was killed after performing prodigies of valor at Chickamauga, Capt. W. R. McAdory at Missionary Ridge, Capt. William A. McLeod at Atlanta, Capt. H. G. Loller at Resaca, and Capt. John F. Wilson at Franklin, Capt. John H. Turpin was wounded and captured at Murfreesboro.

Its commanders were Col. J. W. Frazer, a West Point graduate, who first served as lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth Alabama; resigning his colonelcy of the Twenty-eighth, he was made a brigadier-general and was captured at Cumberland Gap; Col. J. C. Reid, Lieut.-Cols. T. W. W. Davis, transferred to the navy, and W. L. Butler, who was wounded and captured at Nashville; Colonel Carter, Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver and Major Wood, after the consolidation with the other regiments.


Vol. X, Part 1—(789) Fourth brigade, Col. A. M. Manigault commanding, reserve corps, General Withers, army of the Mississippi, June 30, 1862.

Vol. X, Part 2—(461, 549) Assignment as above. General Trapier commanding brigade, April 28, 1862.

Vol. XVI, Part 1—(899) General Wheeler's report of operations, October 19, 1862, says: "It was the only occasion where any infantry engaged the enemy after the battle of Perryville." (983) Col. John W. Frazer, commanding the regiment, says in his report of the siege of Munfordville, Ky., September 16: "It gratifies the commanding officer to be able to say that the men and officers were calm, cool and cheerful during the entire day and obeyed every command with great alacrity and promptness." (988) Mentioned in report of Col. A. J. Lythgoe of same operations.

Vol. XVI, Part 2—(764) Manigault's brigade, Withers'