Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/346

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Atlanta campaign in the battalion commanded by Major Waddell. It was transferred to the south, took part in the battle of Girard, where all its guns and most of the men were captured. Lieut. A. P. St. John was for a time in command; Lieut. Stanley H. Bell was wounded at Vicksburg.


Vol. XVI, Part 1—(375) In General Maury's division, battle of Corinth, October, 1862. (383) Lost 1 killed. (385-388) Mentioned in General Price's report of battle. (394-395) Commended in General Maury's report. No. 36—(467) Under Lieut. A. P. St. John, at Deer creek, March 25, 1863. No. 37—(327) In General Moore's brigade, July 4, 1863, Vicksburg. (369) Four killed and 7 wounded, Vicksburg siege. (381) Mentioned by General Moore. No. 38—(613) In Maury's brigade, district of Louisiana, January 31, 1863. (704) In Maury's division, April 17th, Snyder's Bluff. (725) Mentioned by Col. E. W. Pettus, April 8th. (871, 872) Mentioned by Gen. J. H. Forney, Vicksburg, May 13th. (1060) In General Forney's division, Demopolis, March 14, 1864. No. 55—(663) Assigned to reserve artillery, November 19, 1863.


Fowler's battery, Capt. W. H. Fowler, was organized in Tuscaloosa in January, 1862, and was composed of men who had served in Virginia as a company in the regiment recruited by R. E. Rodes. It was the first organization to re-enlist "for the war," and after serving at Mobile one year, joined the army at Tullahoma as part of Walthall's brigade. It fought at Chickamauga, where it suffered severely, and was highly commended for gallantry. It also lost heavily at Missionary Ridge; moved with Hood into Tennessee, and was engaged at Franklin and at Nashville, losing at the latter place, 8 killed and wounded.

It was then stationed at Mobile, where it remained till