Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/347

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the close of the war, when it was surrendered with 130 men. It was commanded at times by Capt. John Phelan and Lieut. N. Venable, and at Mobile, in March, 1865, was in Gee's battalion. Captain Phelan, who had served since May, 1861, was wounded, and Lieut. Wm. Dailey was killed, at Resaca.


Vol. XXIII, Part 2—(942, 959) In Walthall's brigade, Bragg's army, July and August, 1863.

No. 41–(497) Mentioned by R. B. Irwin (Union), at Mobile, April 15, 1863.

No. 50—(231) In Walthall's brigade, Chattanooga, October 7, 1863.

No. 51—(14) In Liddell's division, Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863. (255-257) Mentioned by Captain Swett, chief of artillery. (271) Mentioned, Chickamauga. (272-274) Mentioned in General Walthall's report. (276) Officers and men commended by General Walthall for "coolness, daring and persistence throughout all the engagements." (286) Commended in Captain Fowler's report. (287) Loss, 6 killed, 17 wounded.

No. 56—(620) In Cheatham's corps, Bragg's army, October 31, 1863. (807) Commanded by Lieut. John Phelan, December 10th. (826) Total present, 126, December 14th. (884) In Cheatham's division, December 31st.

No. 59—(687) Organized May 1, 1861. (693-695) Lost 7 men at Chickamauga. Raised in Alabama, by Capt. R. E. Rodes, as infantry, served since April, 1862. Present, March, 1864, 116. (731) Effective, 95, April 1, 1864, army of Tennessee.

No. 74—(643, et seq.) In Hardee's corps, Johnston's army, Atlanta campaign, Capt. John Phelan commanding, April 30th.

No. 93—(669) In Cheatham's corps, Hood's army, December 10, 1864.

No. 103—(1047) In Gee's battalion, Mobile, March 10, 1865.


The Montgomery True Blues battery, Capt. W. G. Andrews, was organized at Norfolk in January, 1863,