Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/354

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gade, Mobile, April 30, 1864. No. 74—(646, et seq.) In Preston's battalion, Polk's corps, Atlanta campaign. (873) One killed, 4 wounded, report of Chas. Vanderford. No. 75—(668) Ordered to Dalton by General Maury, Mobile, May 5, 1864. (771) Under Major Preston, Cantey's brigade, near Kenesaw mountain, June 12th. No. 78—(589) Mentioned by General Clanton, Montgomery, May 9, 1864. (610) Mentioned in artillery returns of James L. Hoole, May 19th, as at Pollard. (858) In Trueheart's battalion, Stewart’s corps, Hood's army, September 20th. No. 93—(668) Same assignment, Nashville campaign. No. 103—(1047) In Grayson's battalion, district of the Gulf, March 10, 1865.


Clanton's battery, Capt. N. H. Clanton, was organized in Montgomery county, in June, 1863, and was attached to General Clanton's brigade. It was for a time at Pollard and Mobile, was ordered to Gadsden, and served in northern and central Alabama and Georgia. Part of it was engaged near Rome, Ga. It was in the neighborhood of Columbus, Ga., at the close of the war.


No. 42—(131, 157) In Gen. J. G. Clanton's brigade, August, 1863. (239) General Clanton's report, Pollard, Ala., September 19th. (275, 402, 511, 561) In Clanton's brigade, September to December. (556) Mentioned in letter from General Clanton. He says he organized this battery—his brother's.

No. 58—(547, 548) In department of the Gulf, January, 1864. (582) In Clanton's brigade, with General Maury, Mobile. (651) Ordered to report to General Clanton at Gadsden, February 1st.

No. 75—(657) Mentioned in General Polk's command about May 1, 1864.

No. 98—(791, 811, 887) In district of Central and Northern Alabama, General Adams, August and September, 1864.

No. 79—(865) With Maj. H. C. Semple, October 28, 1864. (872) Sixty-two present for duty in Adams' command, October 31st.