Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/67

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South were John Pelham, John Herbert Kelly and John Gregg.

Colonel Pelham was a native of Calhoun county, Alabama, and was in the graduating class at West Point when the war broke out. Late in April, 1861, he returned home and reported at once for duty at Montgomery. He was commissioned as first lieutenant of artillery in the Confederate army and ordered to take charge of the ordnance at Lynchburg, Va. He was assigned as drill-master to Albertus' battery at Winchester, and his skill and daring in the handling of the guns at once attracted the attention of his superiors. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart intrusted him with the organization of a battery of horse artillery which he raised in Alabama, Virginia and Maryland. The men from Alabama were commanded by Lieut. William McGregor, a gallant and skillful officer. Pelham fought with great distinction at Williamsburg, First Cold Harbor, Second Bull Run, Sharpsburg, Shepherdstown and Fredericksburg, everywhere eliciting the unstinted admiration and warmest commendation of his commanding officers. His splendid daring at Fredericksburg drew from General Lee, who, in his report, calls him "the gallant Pelham," the remark: "It is glorious to see such courage in one so young." He rapidly passed through the different grades by promotion, and his commission as lieutenant-colonel was issued a few days before his death, which occurred at Kelly's Ford, March 17, 1863, while gallantly leading a wavering regiment, as he said, "Forward to victory and glory!" Pelham was a good scholar, a splendid horseman, and a magnificent athlete. He was very tall, of light but sinewy build, and so youthful looking that strangers gazed with astonishment upon the hero of almost fabulous renown. He was modest, courteous and refined, of unblemished character and undaunted courage; and his death was considered an irreparable loss to the army.